Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Our Headmaster Datuk Sim Mow Yu Passed Away


To Malaysian Chinese, Sim Mow-yu is the personification of the long, winding path their community has walked. He has always encouraged his compatriots to be upstanding Malaysian citizens, and has been a pioneer defending Chinese education in the country, a "Confucian activist."... Read on


Chinese education stalwart dies at 96
- - KUALA LUMPUR: Chinese educationist Datuk Sim Mow Yu, who was famous for his Chinese calligraphy, died at the age of 96 at his home in Bandar Hilir at 9.15pm yesterday. Sim was brought home in an ambulance by family members at 8pm last night from the Pantai Ayer Keroh Medical Centre.He was admitted to hospital on Dec 26 for illnesses related to old age and was discharged on Jan 21 to allow him to celebrate Chinese New Year at home. However, Sim was re-admitted to the intensive care of the hospital on Feb 3…. Read on


送殯隊伍長1公里 - - 已故拿督沈慕羽週二(2月10日)早上隆重舉殯,承載著敬意和思念的1公里長的送殯隊伍,隨著靈車一路走過培風獨立中學、晨鐘勵志社、培一小學、育民小學、孔子大廈及平民小學,細細重溫及懷念其對教育與文化偉大奉獻的一生。隊伍從培中是沈老母校及執教的學校開始繞校一圈,隨後經過其1930年創辦的晨鐘勵志社,同時,沈老亦曾領導晨鐘勵志社青年部。... read on, mysinchew

沈慕羽逝世 - - 備受華社敬重的董教總顧問沈慕羽今日(週四,2月5日2009年)晚上在家與世長辭,享年96歲。據瞭解,沈老是於一兩天前因病入 院就醫,沈老週四出院返家後,於週四晚上9時15分去世.... Read on